Thursday, May 8, 2008

Beginning This Journey into Blogging...

Well, I figured I might as well jump on the bandwagon and create myself a blog. I often will see something throughout my day that will 1. inspire me 2. tick me off 3. make me think 4. or is completely random and funny. And well since I type faster than I write I might as well blog about it. Although I'm not expecting anyone at all to read this... It might be fun to entertain myself through out this new experience called college. The big FIU awaits me as I experience the struggles of being a christian in today's world. So for those of you who like me, have no life... I hope you enjoy the ride...


chad said...

congrats! write weekly don't quit

Anonymous said...

I like hearing you communicate this way so much better! hahahahaha. Seriously, have fun with it, show yourself through God, but becareful as people do read things on the net.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I will continue to read as you post!! So, post often :-)

@heredes said...

Hey Ashley.. nice blogging - keep it up !

