Thursday, August 7, 2008

My Personal To-Do List....

I've Always been a fan of to-do lists... Im very organized contrary to my mother's opinion. a to-do list keeps all my crazy thoughts in a nice checkoff list for me to remember and keep track of. I promised myself if i felt the tug of the Holy Spirit on my heart I would follow it and listen. Tonight of all places I felt the tug on my heart... in the shower. It is days like this that just confirms my faith in a very big way. Thoughts like this I feel come from God. So with my 2 week break approaching from school I figured I'd make a personal to-do list... it contains the following:

1) Spend 30 mins each day in the word... at least 5-10 of which should be reading. Also including solitary worship music, praying, journaling ect.
2) View every man I encounter or is in my life already as merely a friend. I read a quote that said "Dance with God, he'll allow the perfect man to cut in" God knows the desire of my heart to fall in love, but I dont believe im prepared for that blessing just yet.
3) Start serving at Doral and attend every service & Elevate
4) Hit the gym everyday for at least an hour. Can also use some of that workout time to listen to Worship music.
5) compliment everyone I encounter in some way.
6) Wake up everyday and name initally 3 things I am thankful for
7) Make a concious effort to do kind things consistantly for people throughout the day
8) Make an effort to be kinder and more friendly with my sister and mom
9) Find a job

These are all ideas that came to me tonight. I've been praying for God to speak to my heart and change me. I've been praying for that perfect man to come along. God knows the desires of our hearts and I believe at the end of these 2 weeks I will be a much better person. 14 days and counting...

1 comment:

Jesse Acosta said...

thats an awesome list.. keep it up after the 2 weeks are up though lol..

God bless,