Monday, July 28, 2008

God... Through Our Own Eyes...

I attened Elevate Doral last week, let me tell you, AWESOME! It was smaller than the group at Cooper City, but it had a feel all its own. Smaller more intimate group. We did the usual meet and greet and dinner followed by the split of men and women. In our group we were following a book and the corralated questions. One of the questions was, If you could see an image of God in your life right now... What does that image look like. A few girls shared their answers, and it was then that i realized, who jesus is to me... how Jesus looks to me... everything about my relationship with Christ is different than the person sitting beside me. When i think about Jesus, I see him as he was to me when I first discovered him, and who he is to me now. If you have a chance, hit up and check out the video EVERYTHING by Lifehouse.

It shows a young girl walking with God, following in him all the ways he shows her. Then a man comes, and pulls her a bit away from God. Then comes a man with money and they create a line between her and her God. Then comes a drunk girl, followed by a thin "model" esq girl. Each person stands behind one another, and with each person come a greater and greater distance between God and this girl. Finally it shows this girl down on her knees holding a gun to her head.. it shows as she throws the gun down and fights through these people in attempts to get back to Jesus. It takes a few blows and throws to the ground. At one point the girls falls on the ground and it loooks as though these people will devour her. Then Jesus comes up, and in an almost effortless fashion throws them to the ground and dusts the girl off.

That is my idea of Jesus. Every present. Even when I distance myself, he always will come in and be the hero. How do you view your Jesus?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see Him in ALL of us.