Tuesday, June 10, 2008


June 3, 2008 I officially graduated from high school. We had practice early that morning and I had the ability to sit and watch. If you know me, Im a people-watcher. I'm not wierd I just love to observe people... in their actions, their clothing.. its funny how much you can find out about a person just by watching them. Anyways, I was watching the people around me. Some people I have known since I moved to Florida 10 years ago, and others I have never seen before (not a difficult task when you have the largest graduating class in the nation.. seriously)

I reflected back on my past 4 years. I thought of my first day of high school and how I was late and woke up crying because I was going to miss class. I thought of the friends that I have had that have come and gone, I thought about those that stayed, and the friends that help to change my life.
I looked back on accepting Christ at 16... I looked back on my relationships and the one that changed me forever. Most of you know who I'm reffering to. God has a strong sense of humor... It was finding, loving, and losing him to change me into the person God had been trying to mold me into all along.
Graduation wasnt just the ending of high school for me, it was the timeline of my life for the past 4 years. I look back on all that has happened both good and bad and I'm so thankful to God that they did.
I walked across the stage expecting to feel some kind of incredible feeling, but I just felt complete. I made it through high school.. and while some compromises were made on my part throughout, the things important to me I stayed true to. I'm 18.. a high school graduate the day has come and gone.. and now its just another chapter in my book of life....hasta

1 comment:

Jesse Acosta said...

now in 4yrs you can do it again with you finish college...